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Digital + Craft: appreciate China Chic in Guangzhou

   日期:2023-04-13       caijiyuan   评论:0    移动:http://skally.gawce.com/news/1077.html
核心提示:Recently, the digital craft culture exhibition "Voyage de Savoir-Faire " opened at Guangzhou K11, and will last until Ju

Recently, the digital craft culture exhibition "Voyage de Savoir-Faire " opened at Guangzhou K11, and will last until June 25. The exhibition integrates contemporary digital video, immersive interactive experience, and collection display to showcase the craftsmanship of Chinese "gilded black lacquer". Together with a new generation of craftsmen and contemporary artists, it also explores the heritage of and revitalizes traditional craftsmanship.

Digital + Craft: appreciate China Chic in Guangzhounerror="javascript:errorimg.call(this);">

On the screen, golden sailing ships loaded with fine Chinese crafts are crossing the rough waves to Europe, promoting civilization exchange between East and West. The audience can see the grand scene of hundreds of sailing ships about 300 years ago, which is empowered by technology.

Digital + Craft: appreciate China Chic in Guangzhounerror="javascript:errorimg.call(this);">

The exhibition focuses on the 17th-century "gilded black lacquer " craft and tells the legendary story of the "Chinese style" that swept through Europe with the handicrafts exported to the West.

The exhibition tells the story of the interaction between Emperor Kangxi and King Louis XIV, the French king who sent mathematicians to his "pen pal" in the East in 1688. As for Emperor Kangxi, he offered his friend gilded black lacquer crafts made in Guangdong.

The curator introduced that as the "Chinese style" continued to flourish in Europe, the Rococo style of the Louis XIV period, which embodied European aesthetics, was also absorbed by the gilded black lacquer crafts, and this influence has continued to this day.

Digital + Craft: appreciate China Chic in Guangzhounerror="javascript:errorimg.call(this);">

The antique crafts are imbued with the essence of Eastern and Western cultures -the large tea chest, chess game board, courtyard figure fan, and round tables decorated with dragons on the gilded black lacquer painting of Kew Gardens .

For thousands of years, "lying down to appreciate art" has been a traditional way of art appreciation in China. With their imagination, the ancients traveled in the universe when they were actually in a limited space. In the exhibition hall, there is a special "lying down" area. Visitors can lie down on futons, listen to dynamic music, and immerse themselves in the landscape paintings empowered by digital technology, and "tour" in the world of gilded black lacquer crafts.

Digital + Craft: appreciate China Chic in Guangzhounerror="javascript:errorimg.call(this);">

Traditional Chinese craftsmanship is inherited through innovation and renewed in contemporary art. The exhibition is supported by interactive technology, allowing visitors to learn the steps of gilding black lacquer crafts in an immersive way, and bringing a more vivid and intuitive experience of this traditional craft.









中国传统工艺创新中传承,在当代艺术中得以延伸。展览特别以交互技术加持,令观众沉浸式学习黑漆描金的制作步骤,亦为这一传统工艺带来更为鲜活直观的体验。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 朱绍杰



来源 | 羊城晚报?羊城派

责编 | 王楠

校对 | 赵丹丹

本文地址:http://xasic.gawce.com/news/1077.html    阁恬下 http://xasic.gawce.com/ , 查看更多

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